Friday, September 22, 2006

lol. today was sorta fun too you can say.

started with PE lesson; me jesslin mengfei mabel isabel went table tennis room to play (:

as usual, mabel was the commendator, then mengfei isabel VS me and jesslin.

hahas damn funny.

then in the end only left me isabel play. we play from this table go next table. o.O

from one end of a room to the other. wow?

played a while then stop le. we 3 crazy de, me jess isabel go sing meplalian and sakura kiss. LOL.

jesslin kept growing mushrooms. serious,i'll buy you mushroom spores on your bdae.

lol. after PE was chinese. woah. today chinese SUPER CRAP.

came in quite late cos of PE, then by the time we search for chengyus in the kewen, 1/2 hr gone =.=

then the whole class spraying deoderant. yes, i meant the whole class.
so the whole room just smelt of...deoderant? lols. alicia's bottle is empty now o.O

hahas. its been passing and passing around. every 10 secs you hear: "pssst" i wonder if it contains CFCs and harms the environment?

btw, liu wanted to use alicia's bottle (for women). like LOL! he was like"why cannot use!"
me and jiayu: "you'll smell like a woman HAHAHAHA" lols lah. so diaoded.

so i'm done with this topic. second half of lesson sunlaoshi super crap. for once.


we were talking about the ciyu “近朱者赤,近墨者黑” (translation: if you go near the red people, you become red. go near black ink you become black. lol NO LAH, it means if you befriend good people you'll turn good, you hang out with bad people you'll get influenced too.)

then i told jiayu:“你是朱我是赤" she thought i said she's zhu1 (pig) lol. no lah. its an honour to be the zhu1 cus you influence me to be good haha.

then after that, sunlaoshi educated us on making the right friends. dunno what we talk about, she suddenly discussed the topic “一朵鲜花插在牛粪上” (translation: a flower on a pile of cowdung. means something beautiful as compared to sth ugly/bad)

talk until like SELlesson like that =.= she say uhm. nowadays teenagers got wrong taste or sth, like all the bad boys,the paikia lah, those skip school lah, blah.
lol? then she say: “奇怪的是,通常是女的付出时间最多,但是男的却把她给甩了。那么女的不是有很大的损失吗?”LOL. then she say, “最多说你们10年后结婚,还要等10年”

erm dots haha. then whole class started crapping about cow dung. then i said to jiayu: “还有狗粪,猫粪,猪粪,马粪,为什么偏偏是牛粪?还有刘粪!" no offence no offence. hahas. its so fun lah.

made me remember the shit incident. hahas. lets all substitute the word s*** with better words! poo,stool,shoot.dung,bangsai,dabian,waste material from the bowels, waste, shi3, toxic waste from the large intestine,shucks!


damn hilarious lah~

enough of that. after chinese was recess, YUM~

then eng. i practically slept throughout the lesson lah.
who ask el to be So BORING. everyday summary until i want to die,
nvm, tha'ts because i slept too late...hahs

i made a promise with ashley which i broke for 4 days.


(they say if not my pimples grow more. T.T so sad)

yah. so more summary hw for us today. oh WOW. great lor.

then science. ms boh's teachings really sucks like hell. everybody, and yes, everybody agrees.

wdvr lah she dunno how to teach. she just gave us test chapters ytd? o.O

got back sci test..told you my physics hopeless. got a B3. (....)

i'll never take triple science! GAHH.

i may take elect lit and core geog now! my girlfriend also taking!
ahh so sad annia take trip science! >.< i bet i'll cry man.

my girlfriend is so chio! hahas

so uhm, CD lesson was also fun. =)

then went home with annia and kaiying~
whole big group of 2D girls on the way again!

ash,jess,chris,yuenlam, prissy,terie,jiaying,sheena,megan,me,annia,kaiying! hahas =) I LOVE 2D! <3333

everybody misses 2D yea. sobsobsob.

so long people. gotta study liao =]


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